Temporary Management service: the new frontier of the “on demand” manager


Our Temporary Management service provide highly qualified Managers that temporarily lead a Department or a project, in order to generate added value, overcome complex phases such as a generational change to increase existing managerial skills, support company growth and development or solve critical moments.

Who is the Temporary Manager?

A temporary Manager is a former Chief Executive Officer, a General Manager or a Manager over a finite time span. An outsourcing manager that provides stability to a business following an exceptional situation periods of change or transition. Its role is managerial and operational.

Trusted professionals with business knowledge and experience. IS Consulting can provide suitable, experienced temporary managers in several professional disciplines: General Management, Finance, Control department, Logistics, Marketing and Communication, IT, Human Resources, Purchase-sourcing.

Why rely on a Temporary Manager?

In times of economic growing uncertainty, companies need of key figures, with contractual flexibility, able to manage moments of crisis, important projects or to implement change.


1. The Temporary Manager arrives without vested interests, he quickly establishes a positive relationship with entrepreneur and company organization;

2. A Temporary Manager does not strive for a corporate career but his objective is to deliver results quickly and effectively. This is why he is not perceived as a danger by Management;

3. The Temporary Manager brings the new knowledge into the organizations;

4. He menages critical issues by relieving entrepreneur for all psychological implications;

5. The costs of a temporary manager are clear, without any benefits such as bonuses, notices, sick pay, and so on.

Our Temporary Managers are focused exclusively on achieving the goals of the client

For IS Consulting Temporary Managers, the most important challenge to overcome is change. Throughout the term of assignment, they stay focused on the results and success of the company for which they operate. All our professionals realize the transformation in specific and measurable terms, without ever losing the values that guide the operational processes.